It is no secret that my dinner table experience was not memorable for many reasons. Namely because we never spoke and I didn’t like what my mum had served up – vegetables ohh yuk!. I was always last to finish and making funny faces as I would try and stick that broccoli or mashed pumpkin into my gob. I say again yuk!
What I also remember was that when I went to other friends places it would be similar, no one would speak but at least because I was a guest I got to choose the food – which meant pizza mostly. It must have been my generation or was it. When Old Elpaso did a survey of 1000 families in Australia in 2019 on whether they ate dinner at the table they discovered that:
- Half of the families who did eat at the table which 7 in 10 didin’t they found that they didn’t have enough to talk about and would often end up arguing
- 80% sometimes sit in silence and 92 % said that devices often distracted them
So maybe it wasn’t just my generation back then, but is still quite prevalent in this day. How do we change that? How do we make meal times memorable in our home? Where our children think about these times as fond memories and they have learnt good skills to bring into there own families one day. Here are some helpful thoughts to get you thinking. They are things you can do at your next meal… even tonight.
1. Start with a Quick “Highlight of the Day”
Each family member shares their favorite part of the day. This takes just a few minutes but builds a meaningful connection and makes everyone feel heard. You can even do this while preparing the meal. Like if everyone is making pizza, chat about the day and set the scene for even deeper conversation later.
2. Engage with the Back at the Table app off of the Table Talk Website
Follow the prompts in the app to engage in amazing conversation starters with your family on a topic that suits you. Whether it be “Emotions”, “Traditions” or something deeper like “Communication”.
3. Establish a Weekly Food Tradition
Choose one night a week for a special family meal tradition, like “Taco Tuesdays” or “Pasta Fridays.” This creates excitement and requires no extra planning beyond your usual routine. Use The ‘Back at The Table’ app on these nights. Build a routine of a minimum of one night a week.
4. Simplify Family Involvement in Cooking
Assign simple, quick tasks like stirring a pot or placing dishes on the table. This small involvement can make meals more personal without taking up much time. No matter the age. They can help. Even go one step further and get them to do the shopping with you. Give them a budget, help them come up with an affordable meal idea and go shopping together. Get them excited about cooking with you. Have conversation while you do it.
To make your dinner table memorable it really just needs healthy conversation, people willing to listen and a family that is willing to be honest and real with one another. Sometimes you will laugh, cry or do other things but you got this. Start tonight.
What are your suggestions to making your dinner table memorable? Let us know.