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  • Ryan Farmilo says:

    That was a great read Neil, its very practical in our circumstances as there are girls in my 11 year old daughters class that have Tiktok and Snapchat, we have spoken about this with her as she feels very left out as her friends all talk on Snapchat, we will use this article as a tool on our Monday night table talk! Great work! X

    • neilallenmilton says:

      Thats great Ryan. I am so glad that this blog can support your conversation. Yes it is difficult when our kids are saying they want this app and they are under age. Our encouragement is you be the parent. You choose your rules in your home. However to remember that children’s brains are not developed yet until they are in their mid twenties and they don’t understand the impact of social media and the dangers surrounding it. Hold off as long as you can.